Some people are in your life for only a short amount of time while other people are around for the long haul. The Smiths have been an integral part of my entire life. They are like another set of grandparents that I can rely on for whatever may come my way. As he is so fond of telling people, he married my parents, dedicated me to the Lord, married me to Bradley, and dedicated my daughter. One man has already greatly influenced three generations of my family.
In December, they reached the thirty year milestone at our church. Not just attending church--pastoring at our church. We didn't get to celebrate then because he was undergoing surgery on his shoulder, but we did it up right on Valentine's Day weekend.
We had an elaborate celebration at church complete with slideshows, guest videos from friends around the continent, and speakers from our church family that have known them over the years. It was a beautiful time of reminiscing and celebrating the accomplishments of this beautiful couple. Afterwards, we all ate lunch at Mikeska's and enjoyed fun and fellowship. It was a great day, and I hope one that they will cherish for many years to come.
Thank you Larry & Judy Smith for taking a risk and coming to a small town church to raise your family. On this journey, you have transformed a small church into a family, and that is phenomenal.